Social Security Disability (SSD) Leads


Lead Capsule offers a pre-configured social security disability lead vertical template, which allows you to be up and running with your social security disability lead vertical in a few mouse clicks. The social security disability template creates all the necessary fields for up a basic social security disability lead. The fields created, when setting up a social security disability vertical using the vertical template, will create the following social security disability lead fields automatically.

Social Security Disability Template Fields

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Phone
  • IP Address
  • SubId
  • Notes
  • Verified
  • Are you currently collecting SSD?
  • Are you working with, or hired, an attorney or advocate?
  • Are you currently working?
  • Expect to be out of work in 12 months?
  • Seen a doctor in the last 6 months?
  • Age
  • Agent ID

Please note: Even though these social security disability lead fields are created, they do not have to be used. You may also add in your own custom social security disability lead fields.