Email Campaigns


Lead Capsule's Email Campaign Manager allows you to send out messages at specific times, to your leads, or after a specified period of time from a lead's creation date. The Email messages provide robust tools to filter down to the specific leads you would like a message to be sent to and when to send it. This allows you to create customized Email drip campaigns.

Key Benefits

  • Vertical Based Email Campaigns - Configure different Email campaigns for different verticals in your system

  • Control Start and End Dates - Easily control when your campaigns start and end.

  • Customized Send Intervals - Setup a single, or multiple, Email messages to go out at specific intervals. Messages can be configured to send out minutes, hours, days,weeks or even years later from:
    • the campaign start date
    • the lead creation date
    • the previous message
  • HTML Messages - Send fully customized HTML messages to your leads.  Add in pictures and links with the click of a button. Use dynamic lead information to personalize the message with the lead's first and last names, or any information from the lead.

  • Control who receives your message - Easily control which leads receive which Email. Options include:
    • Min or max times sold
    • Min or max times rejected
    • Min or max age of lead
    • Lead source
    • Lead status
    • Leads sold to a specific client or client campaign
    • Leads purchased from a specific vendor or vendor campaign
  • Advanced Filtering - Configured advanced filters on each message based on any field definition in the vertical. For example: Configure one message to go out to all leads in California and another to all leads in Florida.

  • Opt Out - Provide your Email recipients with a way to unsubscribe from your Email campaign with a click of their mouse. Include your company mailing address for snail mail opt out to stay CAN-SPAM compliant.     

  • Opt Out Reasons - Create your own opt out reasons, for the Email recipient to choose from, when opting out. Email recipients can even leave you a personalized comment for why they unsubscribed.
  • Email Campaign Statistic - Lead Capsule provides statistics on how your Email campaigns are performing.
    • Track Opens - Track how many people opened your Email messages
    • Track Clicks - Track how many people clicked links in your Email messages.
    • Track Opt Out - Track how many people have opted out of your Email campaigns, the reason, and which message they opted out from.


Email Campaigns and Campaign Messages
Email Campaigns and Campaign Messages
Email Campaigns and Opt Out Reasons
Email Campaigns and Opt Out Reasons
Edit Email Campaign
Edit Email Campaign
Edit Campaign Message - General
Edit Campaign Message - General
Edit Campaign Message - Sources
Edit Campaign Message - Sources
Edit Campaign Message - Filter
Edit Campaign Message - Filter
Edit Opt Out Reason
Edit Opt Out Reason
Opt Out Form
Opt Out Form