Lead & Call Management


Lead Capsule's lead and call management capabilities are extremely robust. You can search for leads, in any of your configured Verticals, with ease. Search options range from lead status, lead source, sales, dates, fields and data filters.

Calls routed through Lead Capsule can also be easily found, along with their set recordings. Easily preview your leads and then select an action to perform. With a click of a button, you can Export, Sell, Post/Repost to your Clients as well as perform and undo returns, change a lead's status or even delete stored leads.

Key Benefits

  • Robust Search Criteria – Finding exactly the lead, or leads, you are looking for is simple. Options for search criteria include:

  • Lead Id
    -  Locate a lead by its lead id
    Lead Status – Locate accepted, rejected, returned or pending leads
    Lead Source – Locate leads which came from web forms, imports, post in, CRM, Email, Vendor or even vendor campaign.
    Sales – Locate leads sold to a specific clients or client campaigns, or leads not sold to a specific client or client campaign. Or locate leads based on client lead status, number of times sold or number of times rejected by different clients.
    Dates – Locate leads based on date created, purchased, sold or returned.
    Fields – Choose which fields to include in your search. Include system fields, like vendor or client, purchase or sale dates, return date and/or return reason, or lead status. You may also group by fields.
    Data – Filter by any field definition. For example: you may want to see all the leads you have in a specific State or how many leads you have that are over the age of 35.

  • Preview Leads – Preview the leads you searched for and ensure the results match to what you need. Sort by any field in your search results and see who the leads were sold to.

  • Export Leads – Export your leads to a CSV file. See our Bulk Export feature page for additional information

  • Sell & Export – Sell your exported leads to a client and/or client campaign for easy tracking of your sales. Save the file or Email it directly to your client.

  • Post/Repost to a Campaign – Easily post your leads to your client campaign and deliver directly to your client’s API,  CRM, FTP server or Email them as individual leads or in a batch CSV. For more information on Lead Distribution, see our Lead Distribution page.

  • Return Leads – Return individual leads or a group of leads from your client, back to your vendor, if you so choose. You can also set predefined or open return reasons.

  • Undo Returns – Did you or your client return the wrong lead? No worries as you can quickly undo returns on individual or multiple leads.

  • Change Lead Status – Update lead status from pending to accepted or accepted to pending. When changing from pending to accepted, you can also control the lead's transaction date.

  • Add Leads – Manually add a lead to any configured vertical. Control lead status and price.

  • Edit Leads – Edit any lead with a click of a mouse. Update any field definition, the price of the lead and the lead status.

  • Delete Leads – Delete individual leads, all the leads you searched for, or all the leads in any of your lead verticals with a click of a button.


    Search Criteria - General
    Lead Management - Search Criteria - Sources
    Search Criteria - Sources
    Lead Management - Search Criteria - Sales
    Search Criteria - Sales
    Lead Management - Search Criteria - Dates
    Search Criteria - Dates
    Lead Management - Search Criteria - Fields
    Search Criteria - Fields
    Lead Management - Search Criteria - Data
    Search Criteria - Data
    Lead Management - Search Results
    Search Results
    Lead Management - Edit Lead - System Fields
    Edit Lead - System Fields
    Lead Management - Edit Lead - Vertical Fields
    Edit Lead - Vertical Fields
    Lead Management - Lead Actions - Export
    Lead Management - Lead Actions - Sell and Export
    Sell and Export
    Lead Management - Lead Actions - Post/Repost to Campaign
    Post/Repost to Campaign
    Lead Management - Lead Actions - Return
    Return Leads
    Lead Management - Lead Actions - Undo Lead Return
    Undo Lead Return
    Lead Management - Lead Actions - Change Lead Status
    Change Lead Status
    Lead Management - Lead Actions - Delete Leads
    Delete Leads