Real-Time XML/JSON/SOAP Post Delivery

Real-Time XML/JSON/SOAP Post Delivery by Lead Capsule: Streamlining Lead Transfer Efficiencies:

Lead Capsule facilitates seamless delivery of leads in real-time via XML, JSON, or SOAP posts to you or your lead buyers. Our real-time XML/JSON/SOAP delivery campaigns offer comprehensive delivery capacity features including: advanced filters, schedules, lead verification, and auto responders, while ensuring efficient lead distribution and management.

Key Benefits:

  • Map Fields - Easily map lead fields to third-party or lead buyer's systems utilizing XML, JSON, or SOAP calls.

  • Multi-Field Mapping - Map a single field to multiple fields in your lead buyer's system with ease. For example: You may collect Work Phone, but your lead buyer is looking for Work Phone and Employer Phone. With Lead Capsule, you can easily pass the work phone into both the work phone and employer phone fields. 

  • Split Fields - Split values into multiple fields in your lead buyer's system for precise data organization. For example: You can split a phone number into its area code, exchange and line if necessary.

  • Format Data - Format data to meet your lead buyer's specifications effortlessly. For example: You may collect phone numbers as 10 digits (##########), but your lead buyers want to see dashes in between (###-###-####). Or, you may want to update defaulted date formatting from MM/dd/yyyy to yyyy-MM-dd.

  • Custom Rules - Tailor field data to match your lead buyer's system requirements seamlessly. For example: You may be collecting Yes or No, but your lead buyer wants to see True or False. This can be easily converted through a simple to enter comma separated, custom mapping rule.

  • Data Options - Choose to send either the data value or text description for a field with multiple value selections, offering flexibility in data delivery. For example: For the State field, you may choose to send either the full State Name (i.e. Alabama) or its State Code abbreviation (i.e. AL). 

  • HTTP Methods - Connect to your own external or lead buyers' systems via:
    • POST
    • GET
    • PUT
  • URL Encoding - URL encode your XML/JSON/SOAP Post deliveries effortlessly for enhanced data security as needed. 

  • Post Parameters - Include static posting parameters to each XML, JSON, or SOAP Post delivery for streamlined communication. For example: Usernames, API Keys, Passwords, Campaign Tiers, etc.

  • Conditional Parameters - Control the presence of tags, nodes or fields based on value existence, enhancing data integrity and lead quality.

  • Lead Tokens - Pass vital lead data to your lead buyers including Lead and/or Vendor Ids, Create Date & Time Stamps, and even more. For example:
    • Lead Id - Pass Lead Capsule's lead identifier or lead number to your lead buyers
    • Vendor Id - Pass the Vendor's database Id as a Sub Id value
    • Create Date - Pass the lead's create date and time stamp if needed
    • Now - Pass the current date and/or time
  • Posting Headers - Alter the posting headers for your XML/JSON/SOAP Post delivery. For example: In many SOAP posts, the username and password must be included within the headers of the request.

  • Dynamic Accept Response - Lead Capsule is able to read the response, from the XMl, JSON or SOAP Post delivery, and notate a lead as accepted. Accept responses can be setup as static or dynamic, allowing you to know exactly when a lead is accepted by your lead buyers.

  • Capture Data - Automatically notate leads as accepted based on dynamic or static responses, ensuring real-time lead tracking. Field capture options include:
    • Lead Id - Capture your lead buyer's returned lead identifier and store it with your client lead records
    • Redirect URL - Capture the lead buyer's redirect URL, to pass back to your website or to your lead source/vendor.
    • Price - If your XML, JSON, or SOAP Post delivery campaign is based on dynamic pricing, Lead Capsule can capture the price and update the client lead with the correct sale price.
    • Custom - With Lead Capsule XML, JSON or SOAP Post delivery, you can capture any other data the third party system, or your lead buyer, returns in the response and update the lead, or a custom lead field, accordingly.
  • Timeout - Control response maximum wait times to ensure timely lead processing and management. If the timeout expires, the lead will be considered as Rejected.

  • Delivery Capacities - Set caps on real-time XML, JSON, or SOAP Post delivery campaigns based on agreements with your clients, providing flexibility in lead management and delivery. If you have a prepaid order, Lead Capsule can cap the total leads delivered. Additionally, if you have per minute, hourly, daily, weekly or monthly caps, adding these to an outbound delivery campaign is a breeze.

  • Exclusivity – Manage lead exclusivity effectively, specifying duration and conditions for engagement exclusivity. See our Lead Exclusivity feature page for more information around this.

  • Prepaid Campaigns - Set up XML/JSON/SOAP campaigns as prepaid, offering clients flexible payment options. Allow the client to log into their Client Portal and make payments towards the campaign, or to potentially make payments on behalf of your client, before leads are delivered via XML, JSON or SOAP.

  • Advanced Filtering – Filter leads based on specific field definitions, ensuring precise lead delivery to your lead buyers. For example, your lead buyer may only want leads from specific zip codes who make over $2000/mo. With a few clicks of a mouse, granular field filters can be added to your integration.

  • Scheduling - Deliver leads based on your lead buyer's preferred daily as well as hourly schedules, enhancing convenience and efficiency. See our Scheduling feature page for more information around this powerful feature.

  • Lead Verification - Ensure delivery of high-quality data contact leads with Lead Capsule's lead verification feature. See our Lead Verification feature page for more information around this real time data tool.

  • Auto Responder - Configure personalized email or SMS messages upon lead delivery via your XML, JSON, or SOAP Post campaigns. See our Auto Responder feature page for additional information about this flexible lead engagement tool.

  • Notifications - Receive email and/or URL API notifications for lead acceptance, rejection, returns or errors in real time, ensuring prompt action with all lead activities. Lead Capsule can also receive API notifications from a third party system when a lead is accepted, rejected and/or returned.

  • Deliver Aged Leads in Real-Time -  Have aged data that you want to deliver to your lead buyers in real-time? Lead Capsule can be easily configured to send your aged leads via XML, JSON or SOAP Post delivery. When delivering aged data, Lead Capsule can:
    • Throttle Delivery - Throttle the number of leads sent to your lead buyers, which allows you to trickle the leads to their system instead of all of them sending at once.
    • Control Batch Size - Select the maximum amount of leads that are batch sent to your lead buyer, each time.
    • Control Lead Age - Choose the age of the leads you will send to your lead buyer's XML, JSON or SOAP Post delivery campaign. Choose from minimum and/or maximum age in minutes and/or days.
    • Control Times Sold - Control how many times the leads delivered have been previously sold. 

Lead Capsule's Real-Time XML/JSON/SOAP Post Delivery empowers you with robust flexibility, ensuring seamless lead transfer capabilities and effective lead management. Elevate your lead delivery process with Lead Capsule's comprehensive lead delivery feature set.


Edit Client Campaign - General
Edit Client Campaign - General
Edit Client Campaign - Fields
Edit Client Campaign - Fields
Edit Client Campaign - Filter
Edit Client Campaign - Filter
Edit Client Campaign - Verification
Edit Client Campaign - Verification
Edit Client Campaign - Schedule
Edit Client Campaign - Schedule
Edit Client Campaign - Email Responder
Edit Client Campaign - Email Responder
Edit Client Campaign - SMS Responder
Edit Client Campaign - SMS Responder
Edit Client Campaign - Notifications
Edit Client Campaign - Notifications
Edit Client Campaign - XML Delivery Settings
Edit Client Campaign - XML Delivery Settings
Edit Client Campaign - SOAP Delivery Settings
Edit Client Campaign - SOAP Delivery Settings
Edit Client Campaign - JSON Delivery Settings
Edit Client Campaign - JSON Delivery Settings
Edit Client Campaign - Delivery Field Mappings
Edit Client Campaign - Delivery Field Mappings