Name Verification

Elevate Lead Quality with Lead Capsule's Real-Time Name Verification:

Ensure the validity of names associated with the leads you generate, purchase, or sell with Lead Capsule's real-time name verification. Verifying both the first and last names in real-time is a crucial step to minimize the occurrence of bad leads in your generated, purchased, or sold data. Dive into the capabilities of Lead Capsule's name verification, offering seamless validation and an option to append valuable data on the fly.

Key Benefits:

  • Real-Time Verification - Experience the immediacy and precision of Lead Capsule's real-time name verification.

  • Verify Incoming Leads - Confirm the authenticity of first and last names as applicants fill out forms or affiliates / vendors deliver leads to you.

  • Verify Outgoing Leads - Proactively filter out leads with questionable first or last names before delivering them to your buyers. This step ensures that only leads with valid names are part of your outbound communications.

  • Append Data Dynamically - Enhance lead profiles with additional information. Lead Capsule's name verification can provide the applicant's gender, adding valuable context to your leads.

  • Accept Failed Verifications - Retain flexibility with Lead Capsule by allowing the acceptance of leads even if name verifications fail. There may be instances where you choose to accept leads despite concerns about the validity of first or last names. 

Lead Capsule's Real-Time Name Verification is your solution for ensuring the accuracy of names throughout the lead lifecycle. Whether you're verifying incoming leads, filtering outgoing leads, or dynamically appending data on the fly, our real-time verification process is designed to elevate lead quality, streamline your processes, and provide valuable insights for more targeted communication.

Elevate your lead generation efforts with Lead Capsule's Real-Time Name Verification — where immediacy, accuracy, and flexibility converge to deliver a superior lead management experience.


Vendor Campaign - Name Verification
Vendor Campaign - Name Verification
Client Campaign - Name Verification
Client Campaign - Name Verification
Web Form - Name Verification
Web Form - Name Verification